乔治亚州总检察长Chris Carr关于反亚裔暴力的声明

2021年3月20日,亚特兰大,乔治亚 -- 乔治亚州总检察长克里斯卡尔(Chris Carr)就乔治亚州反亚裔暴力问题发布以下声明:

乔治亚州的亚裔美国人社区绝不应该生活在恐惧中。 每个人的生命都有其尊严、意义和价值。 受害人Delaina Ashley Yaun、Paul Andre Michels、冯道友、谭小杰、Soon C. Park、Hyun J. Grant、Suncha Kim和Yong A. Yue的生命不应该失去,我们必须为他们伸张正义。当他们的家人、朋友和亲人们哀悼这些悲伤的损失时,我的心和他们在一起。
随着执法部门的调查继续进行,我们可以确定的一件事是,对我们的亚裔美国人邻居的偏见和暴力并不新鲜。 可悲的是,自美国历史初期以来,这种情况就一直在发生。 作为佐治亚州的领导人,我们必须更好地倾听,学习亚裔美国人社区,并和他们建立信任。 明确地说,针对该社区的任何暴力行为都是可憎的,绝不能被容忍。
——佐治亚州总检察长,Chris Carr。


ATLANTA, GA – Attorney General Chris Carr today issued the following statement on violence against Georgia’s Asian-American community:

Georgia’s Asian-American community deserves to live free from fear. Every human life has dignity, value and worth, and justice must be done for the unconscionable taking of the innocent lives of Delaina Ashley Yaun, Paul Andre Michels, Daoyou Feng, Xiaojie Tan, Soon C Park, Hyun J Grant, Suncha Kim, and Yong A Yue. My heart continues to go out to their families, friends and loved ones as they mourn these tragic losses.

As the investigation by law enforcement continues, one thing we know for certain is that prejudice and violence against our Asian-American neighbors is not new. It has sadly been occurring since the early days of American history. As leaders in this state, we must better listen to, learn from and build trust with Georgia’s Asian-American community. To be clear, any violence targeted against this community is abhorrent and must not be allowed to stand.

Georgia is fortunate to have such a vibrant Asian-American community in our state, and I will continue to commit the resources of the Department of Law to ensure the safety and security of its members




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