
2021年4月10日下午一点,来自费城和周边地区的一百多各族裔的民众聚集在费城市市政厅北大门,支持为陈智博讨还公道,反对种族歧视,反对警察滥用暴力。陈智博的父母和亲友,代理此案的律师,包括华人在内的费城多族裔代表纷纷发言。本次活动由华人社团和陈智博家人共同发起,是宾州蒙罗县地方检察院公布对警方有利的调查结果后首次公开集会。代表陈智博的著名民权律师Ben Crump和陈智博家庭律师Devon Jaocb提出明确诉求,要求宾州总检察长重新调查此案并公布所有视频证据。





美国亚裔民主党俱乐部(Asian American Democratic Club, AADC)要求宾夕法尼亚州总检察长Josh Shapio 针对陈智博(Christian Hall)被州警察枪杀一案启动独立和公正的调查,对蒙罗县地方检察院(Monroe County District Attorney)关于陈智博案的调查结果重新审视。

19 岁的陈智博于 2020 年 12 月 30 日因精神问题被宾夕法尼亚州警察枪杀。蒙罗县地方检察院先是选择不作为,在第三方视频证明警察开枪时陈智博并未对警察造成威胁出现后,继续拖延直至案发三个月后拿出了警察开枪正当的结论,这个结论当然遭到陈智博养父母和律师的拒绝。蒙罗县地方检察院在处理陈智博案的过程中有庇护涉事警察的嫌疑,因此宾西法尼亚州总检察长的介入和重新审视对解除公众疑虑,维护法制尊严是必要的。

陈智博出生在中国上海,后来为美国一对夫妇(Fe and Gareth Hall)领养。他因为新冠疫情和其他原因出现精神危机,但他对他人和警方并没有造成任何实际意义上的威胁。本来应该帮助他度过危机时刻的警察,却夺去他年轻的生命,如此滥用致命武力令人心寒。作为法制国家,涉事警察必须为自己的行为负责,才能彰显法律和正义的威严。

AADC 支持所有亚裔美国人争取平等权力,反对任何形式的种族歧视和仇恨暴力,支持陈智博父母和所有关注陈智博案的各族裔公民为陈智博寻求正义的努力。
罗玲 主席 
2021 年 4 月 9 日

AADC Statement

Calling for an Independent Investigation by Pennsylvania State Attorney General into the Death of Christian Hall

The Asian American Democratic Club (AADC) calls on Attorney General Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania to initiate an independent, fair and transparent investigation into the death of Christian Hall who was shot and killed by Pennsylvania State Police.

Christian Hall was killed during a mental crisis. The Monroe County District Attorney did not take action until a video surfaced, showing that Christian Hall did not present any imminent threat to police officers and the general public. Three months after Christian Hall was killed, Monroe County DA eventually concluded that the use of lethal force by police is justified. Christian Hall's parents challenged this conclusion. Ben Crump, the attorney who represents Christian Hall, asserted that the Monroe County DA was biased in investigating this case. Attorney General Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania State must initiate an independent investigation into this case to resolve lingering doubts about this case.

Christian Hall was born in Shanghai, China, and adopted by Fe and Gareth Hall. He experienced a mental crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Crump, the police were called to help him. Tragically, they shot and killed him instead. The policemen whose names have not been released must be held accountable for the unnecessary and excessive force.

AADC supports Asian Americans in their demand for equal rights and denounces racial discrimination and hate crimes. We stand with the parents of Christian Hall in their effort to pursue justice.

Ling Luo, Founder/Chairwoman
Asian American Democratic Club


2020年12月30日,陈智博因精神危机被宾夕法尼亚州警察(state trooper)警察枪杀;

2021年2月初,一段目击者视频浮出水面显示当警察开枪击毙陈智博时,他已经举起双手,对警察没有威胁。陈智博父母和民权律师Ben Crump和Devon Jacob发起为陈智博维权行动,要求州总检察长接受此案;


2021年3月31日,Ben Crump和Devon Jacob进行网上直播回应蒙罗县地方检察署调查结果,拒绝接受检方结论,将发起民权诉讼。

了解有关陈智博案的细节和维权信息,请进入Ben Crump律师为他设置的网站:Justice For Christian Hall

代理此案的著名维权律师Ben Crump,同时也是代理George Floyd案的律师,在二月初发起的请愿要求检方公正调查此案,并发起网上签名,迄今已经超过21万,显示公众对此案的关切。请愿签名仍在进行中,以下是链接:




2020华人挺川运动报告(2/5): 法轮功是如何成为挺川明星的?

2020华人挺川运动报告(1/5): 民运的挺川逻辑

