警方澄清Brant Carnwath见义勇为的故事失实 请已经捐款的朋友在20号之前要求退还

加州警方澄清关于Brant Carnwath见义勇为的故事失实(见星岛日报关于此事的报道),在脸书上声称被救女士是亚裔的日裔好莱坞演员Peter Shinkoda也撤下了原帖。现在警方公布的信息显示此事有如下失实之处:

1. Brant Carnwath被打伤是事实,但起因不清楚,警方不能确认他是为了救人而被打;

2. 和此事有关的女士不是亚裔,而是名为怀特(White)的白人女子。

因此,Brant Carnwath弟弟的Scott Carnwath在Gofundme上提供的捐款信息至少部分与事实不符,警方已经建议公众不要继续捐款。美华视角为转载此失实消息表示道歉,并呼吁已经捐款的朋友在本月20号之前要求Gofendme退回捐款。




2021.4.17更新(2):捐款页面已经打不开了,显示“campaign not found"。

2021.4.17更新(1):根据Scott Carnwath在Gofundme上的更新消息(见下),他坚称涉事的女子是亚裔,她本人因为安全原因和正在进行的调查将保持匿名状态,但愿意发表声明Brant Carnwath那天晚上的确保护了她。在进一步的消息得到确认之前,美华视角将继续呼吁已经捐款的朋友要求Gofundme退款。

“Update: From what we know so far and what we can disclose for the safety of the people involved since this is an ongoing investigation, the person that Brant helped in this incident has been identified, she happens to be an Asian American woman, we are in communication with her constantly and at this time she wishes to remain anonymous for the safety of her family but since there is an ongoing investigation with law enforcement we cannot disclose further information other than this woman told us that she is willing to make a statement that Brant defended her that night. What we gathered from her side of the story, she was a distressed woman in need and we cannot fully acknowledge that this is a hate crime or racism as what other sources have posted online and perceived it to be. We do not promote this to be a hate crime or racism. She was just very thankful that Brant stepped in to help her & he acted selflessly regardless of her race being an Asian American woman , she is also concerned for Brant as the last time she saw him he was knocked unconscious on the ground and hope for his speedy recovery.”




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